In this crisis our schedule probably changed. Maybe you used to eat, then visit the park, then you would play with your friends on the weekends … Well, now what do you do?Maybe if that used to be your schedule then now you go on a walk or a run, then you have a online play date .. Things are slowly starting to get better … You guys probably soon might go to school. Maybe you can play with less then 6 friends while social distancing, maybe you don’t want to go to school, maybe you want to continue the online program or maybe just maybe you feel like both.
I remember my schedule used to be: going to the park with my family, playing with my little sister, maybe sometimes going to swimming pool, playing with my friends … What will happen when all of this is over social distancing ? Will we not go to the park, not go to public places or subways maybe not even restaurants. How will it look like?
If any of you guys reading this is going to school remember positive thoughts: watch what you touch and stay social distancing. If you have a parent that is a health worker (like me) you might go 5 days a week like normal unless you don’t want to. Hopefully, you like your schedule and the tips I gave you .. See you in the next read …
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