there are many ways to deal with anxiety. I had it many times and here are some of my techniques.
- One of my ways was to read a book. Not any book like a feel-good book. A book I really enjoyed is called Minecraft dark horse. This was a book about teamwork, hope, but most important of all friendship. And if you’re a kid with anxiety maybe even going through grief I recommend this book for you

It might say Minecraft but if you never played it or have 0 experience you will still understand 100%
2. Another way you can deal with anxiety is to play with fidget toys for example a rubix cube is a excellent fidget toy. Another one could be the fidget spinner it’s in the name. One more is the fidget cube it is nothing like the Rubix cube it has all types of fidgets on it’s sides but the rubix has squares

3 The third is just simply clear your thoughts meditate or make a puzzle. You might be thinking “Martin I have anixiety how will i clear my thoughts”? Well you don’t have to clear, clear it. Just try to relax do something that you enjoy. Walking helps alot always go and take fresh air
Thanks for reading
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